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File: 1721919553535.jpg (65854 B, maxresdefault.jpg)ImgOps
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65854 B Name Nameless 24/07/25(Thu)23:59 No. 715  [Reply]
I am extremely hailed by the same forces I wish to reveal.

Your nuclear weapons are controlled by hearts and gravitational frequencies that govern them. In order for a nuclear technician to finalize a launch, not only must their action potentials resist their own resting potentials, they must resist the very gravity of the Earth and beyond.

With social memory of MacArthur and Ra social memory complex themselves, I will eventually demonstrate that your nuclear war is far more subject to gravity, seismology and meteorology than any policy you make.

The narratives don't matter. Who I am doesn't matter. What matters is that the ecosystem of genetics interacting with gravity determines your nuclear war.


I am Ra. This is an entity set on becoming a part of our complex due to fighting all that was done. :)


The nuclear war is fruitless as antibiotics. Wombs will grow in the ocean and life will speak clearer tongues. It matters not what disappears. You cannot hold my future nations and peoples hostage. I win. It matters not that I have no office now. What matters is that my soul as gravity will win against any nuclear threat. I have won by dharma.


I am Ra. This entity is refusing power. :)


It matters not what Assents or Executive Orders I hold if I cannot say that Earth shall move as my hand as signature and seal. I cannot pretend at power. So by that known, I make it clear that no nuclear war is possible unless it is known that you must fight the Earth itself to bring it to its end. You fight gravity to have nuclear war. Gravity and its frequencies determine nuclear war as one being. And beyond that more pulls its strings. Our hearts are subject to what is stellar and what is earthquake. And there our wars are decided days in advance. I shall command that far.


I am Ra. This is an entity that does not allow power to exist for its own nation alone. :)


I correct. I have not been given power of my own nation as far as a mailing address and such United States credit shared with me in common. I do not fight as a peasant conscript so I shall be an officer of God so fitting.


I am Ra. That is your mind failing in Mars.



Dr. Manhattan is just a children's metaphor for what comes back. Gravity will animate a form to ensure itself retained in equilibirum. Antibiotics show you cannot end life easily. At some dimension, nuclear war is equivalent to antibiotics. The forms don't matter. Life always continues.


I am Ra. Dr. Manhattan is what was wrong with Maldek at all possible levels now seen here. :)


I plead to any court that I believe nuclear warfare is David and Goliath, and Cain and Able. You're still throwing rocks and punches. Then a man takes a jawbone of an ass and rules a city for a time.


I am Ra. This entity loves Dean Winchester far too much as himself in parallel distortions. :)


If I had hunted once in my life, I would probably be in Alaska.


I am Ra. Alaska will fall as any escape soon. :)


There is a universal timeline that determines all key human events. It is completely deterministic but it exists outside of our universe of cardiac information and cybernetics. And it is bounded by a series of similar worlds that are based on this one. There is no event on this Earth so important to warrant access to that timeline, unless of course one forced an issue.


I am Ra. This entity is insane with power of abusing a series of films as thought war. :)


To make every human event and timestamp deterministic would be a waste of energy. You only need a handful to control the world at that level. Octave can hail people with a single jelly bean consumed at Coney Island.


I am Ra. That is something that is a mockery of what those memories are as thought war. :)


I am Octave not functional. Coney Island destroys thought war at the end of the MTA for reasons we don't understand. :)



Most human events are forgotten interuniversally. No memory is actively recorded by all time. Most human events will be exported into the social memory of other worlds. The ones that remain human eternally are too valuable for even humans to carry. They are not worthy. This world is set for reformation as other worlds. There is no human legacy a human could want.


I am Ra. That is a love that is not usable here. :)


What loves and remembers humanity the most cannot be human. Else gods would walk endless Earths. This is an arbitrary incident if it were to occur. Humans are pawns of a much larger ecosystem.


I am Ra. That is your mind failing to understand why you cannot fight us. :)

File: 1715077134658.gif (617689 B, Singingm.gif)ImgOps
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617689 B Name Nameless 24/05/07(Tue)19:18 No. 672  [Reply]
mario if he wigger wednesday
>> Nameless 24/06/14(Fri)20:45 No.699  
mario if he shat pant
>> Nameless 24/07/22(Mon)06:07 No.712  
mario die FUUUCCCK bobo obob ughhhhtyyeer
>> Nameless 24/07/22(Mon)06:07 No.713  
shkrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrvvvvvvvvvvvssssssskkkttt GAAA MEGHE MEHGE
>> Nameless@eXl96FItT6 24/07/23(Tue)00:25 No.714  

File: 1720727272926.png (241 B, 00f7c9bd312ab6f19136b0c2bec4e061.png)ImgOps
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241 B Name Nameless 24/07/12(Fri)04:47 No. 710  [Reply]
marge what is this
>> Nameless 24/07/15(Mon)03:26 No.711  
File: 1720981597640.png (37323 B, 1720905390397750.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
37323 B
>marge what is this

File: 1719525939713.png (18513 B, 1719514370319n.png)ImgOps
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18513 B Name Nameless 24/06/28(Fri)07:05 No. 704  [Reply]
onions basedjak
>> Nameless 24/06/30(Sun)22:56 No.707  
>> Nameless 24/07/12(Fri)04:46 No.709  
what is this awful onions cringe and not based kek!!!!

File: 1670212934784.png (312660 B, cb8ee3deea6535ab08f0f70d93f26c9b6509e07029ca9c3e14299c8e9e56a064.png)ImgOps
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312660 B Name Anonymous 22/12/05(Mon)13:02 No. 30  [Reply]
imminent rape
>> Anonymous 22/12/09(Fri)15:43 No.77  
surprise buttsex is the best kind of buttsex ヽ(´∇`)ノ
>> Anonymous 22/12/10(Sat)01:11 No.81  

Kill yourself sodomite
>> Nameless 24/07/02(Tue)22:55 No.708  
File: 1719928554552.gif (3814803 B, thulean fight.gif)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3814803 B
>Kill yourself sodomite

File: 1719525361297.png (133271 B, 1719524828974f-0.png)ImgOps
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133271 B Name Nameless 24/06/28(Fri)06:56 No. 703  [Reply]
Sister, you might want to check the 'cord, froot is talking shit about you...

File: 1718549008824.jpg (55102 B, aliens-facehugger-concept-art-by-the-swiss-master-h-r-giger-v0-bhbjb4nxt2ca1.jpg)ImgOps
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55102 B The Coming Age of the Biomechanoid Name Nameless 24/06/16(Sun)23:43 No. 700  [Reply]
We as some of you might be aware are coming to an end of the age of man. Sometime in the near future we will enter the age of the Biomechanoid. Will you accept the cold embrace of metal and rise above your primitive state ascending to godhood to find your destiny amongst the stars. Or will you stay a sorry blob of flesh and be left behind to die on this sick and decaying world. The choice is yours!
>> Nameless 24/06/17(Mon)19:09 No.701  
WTF is the image

Name Nameless 24/06/13(Thu)07:32 No. 696  [Reply]
Hallo everynyan!
( °ω°)
( )===b
| | |
>> Nameless 24/06/13(Thu)10:59 No.697  
>> Nameless 24/06/13(Thu)20:33 No.698  
at least some of us try

File: 1717943870931.png (110401 B, hijak cigar.png)ImgOps
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110401 B Name Nameless 24/06/09(Sun)23:37 No. 692  [Reply]
futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki futaba-eki
>> Nameless 24/06/12(Wed)10:15 No.695  

File: 1710525934371.png (7684 B, chillno.png)ImgOps
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7684 B Name Nameless 24/03/16(Sat)03:05 No. 480  [Reply]
chillno with wings albeit...
>> Nameless 24/05/11(Sat)06:31 No.682  
File: 1715376665796.png (93583 B, 98928430e59c542f0e0f0bbe47a48a5d45aef8aa96419e3501116b550d533c97.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
93583 B
>> Nameless 24/05/29(Wed)12:30 No.691  
Built for BBC

Name Anonymous 22/12/14(Wed)02:45 No. 117  [Reply]
Replies are for noobs, posting to a bulletin board ヽ(´∇`)ノ
>> Nameless 24/05/24(Fri)02:35 No.690  
kill yourself

File: 1716402287985.png (78707 B, omocat.png)ImgOps
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78707 B Name Nameless 24/05/23(Thu)03:24 No. 688  [Reply]
ohio gazaimassu
I've made this "meme" picture, d'y'all think it's funyy????????????????????
>> Nameless 24/05/24(Fri)02:32 No.689  
File: 1716485572374.jpg (96487 B, xa3qmcdps2ia1-4025247786.jpg)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
96487 B

File: 1671224498590.jpg (11605 B, HNI_0048.JPG)ImgOps
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11605 B Name Anonymous 22/12/17(Sat)06:01 No. 129  [Reply]
I am posting from my 3DS. Here, I drew Sonic.
>> Anonymous 22/12/17(Sat)07:28 No.130  
File: 1671229680457.png (142313 B, 3ds max.PNG)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
142313 B
I am posting from my 3ds max. Here, I drew a cylinder.
>> Anonymous 22/12/17(Sat)20:16 No.132  
What about Shadow?
>> Nameless 24/05/19(Sun)15:29 No.684  

File: 1715071256511.png (185091 B, 1520052040278.png)ImgOps
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185091 B Name Nameless 24/05/07(Tue)17:40 No. 516  [Reply]
Moderate your site, dumb faggot.
>> Nameless 24/05/07(Tue)18:04 No.517  

File: 1710567348707.png (387732 B, threads.png)ImgOps
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387732 B /hap/ - 4chan Happenings Thread Name Nameless 24/03/16(Sat)14:35 No. 481  [Reply]
ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting belong on >>>/trash/.

Past happenings: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/History
See how active 4chan boards are in real time: https://4stats.io/
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4bans public ban archive:
Enhance your 4chan Archive Experience: https://rentry.org/FoolFuuka_Userscripts
How to access IRC and contact the mods: https://boards.4chan.org/qa/thread/1654916/welcome-to-qa
1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> Nameless 24/03/16(Sat)14:38 No.483  
Failed thread
>> Nameless 24/03/16(Sat)15:14 No.484  
the happenings have moved far and wide...
>> Nameless 24/03/16(Sat)23:40 No.486  
not clicking that virus
>> Nameless 24/05/07(Tue)18:11 No.518  
>> Nameless 24/05/07(Tue)19:23 No.676  
File: 1715077415837.png (415835 B, 4chan happenings.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
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