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File: 1673769211000.png (1627004 B, DALL·E 2023-01-14 23.52.47 - cats next to planet earth, 2D anime still.png)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1627004 B AI Generated Images Name Anonymous 23/01/15(Sun)16:53 No. 187  [Reply]
Post interesting stuff you have generated.
>> Anonymous 23/01/15(Sun)16:53 No.188  
File: 1673769225986.png (1723283 B, DALL·E 2023-01-14 23.52.45 - cats next to planet earth, 2D anime still.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1723283 B
>> Anonymous 23/01/15(Sun)17:09 No.189  
File: 1673770169646.png (1836273 B, DALL·E 2023-01-15 00.07.24 - A photo of bbq ribs, french fries, hot links, coleslaw, and brisket on a plate, which is on a wood vinyl table..png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1836273 B
Okay now I'm hungry
>> Anonymous 23/01/31(Tue)00:22 No.212  
File: 1675092171900.png (2430624 B, craiyon_091940_hitler_in_a_thong.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2430624 B
>> Anonymous 23/02/10(Fri)13:17 No.239  
File: 1676002634313.png (1363722 B, DALL·E 2023-02-09 20.01.11 - Cats named Mona and Onigiri, anime..png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1363722 B
I wanted to see how it would generate mona and onigiri

File: 1672137402467.jpg (56114 B, 16720574287.jpg)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
56114 B Name Anonymous 22/12/27(Tue)19:36 No. 164  [Reply]
hai im on yer cumpater lelkek whatcha browsna no?
>> Anonymous 22/12/28(Wed)04:37 No.165  
File: 1672169833747.png (422467 B, sexynun.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
422467 B
Doin' sum bible study
>> Anonymous 22/12/30(Fri)02:56 No.166  
File: 1672336580953.jpg (127811 B, internet-explorer-7-InternetExplorer7.jpg)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
127811 B
>>164 I use brave, my first web browser was internet explorer.
>> Anonymous 22/12/31(Sat)15:52 No.169  
The first web browser I used was Walmart's that came with their Walmart Connect internet service.
>> Anonymous 23/02/06(Mon)11:56 No.237  
I'm browsing world2ch
>> Anonymous 23/02/07(Tue)08:05 No.238  
TF2 right nao

File: 1675284542419.png (5873562 B, welcometoreseda.png)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
5873562 B Name Anonymous 23/02/02(Thu)05:49 No. 221  [Reply]
Post photos that you've taken yourself.
>> Anonymous 23/02/02(Thu)07:09 No.222  
File: 1675289350946.jpg (59385 B, adamwat.jpg)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
59385 B
>> Anonymous 23/02/13(Mon)07:55 No.241  
liar you did not take that yourself

File: 1671185775639.png (144442 B, xp.PNG)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
144442 B Name Anonymous 22/12/16(Fri)19:16 No. 125  [Reply]
The biggest downside to using Windows XP by far.
10 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> jr!IoZP1d.X7s 22/12/22(Thu)04:45 No.157  
File: 1671651950027.jpg (9917 B, Mr 153.jpeg)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
9917 B
Live X-Ray of anon 153
>> Anonymous 23/01/19(Thu)02:42 No.192  
wow, honestly based for using xp
>> Anonymous 23/01/24(Tue)17:45 No.202  
could be a browser issue, or just install the font the site uses idk
>> Anonymous 23/01/25(Wed)10:00 No.203  
File: 1674608418802.png (138745 B, 2023-01-25 01:58:26 (1171x498).png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
138745 B
make sure to install east asian support, works just fine for me after ticking that (you'll need your XP cd or the files from it on hand)
>> Anonymous 23/01/31(Tue)00:10 No.211  
File: 1675091446920.png (1640470 B, pregnant bill.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1640470 B

File: 1674720220963.png (279698 B, Unknown-1.png)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
279698 B Name Anonymous 23/01/26(Thu)17:03 No. 204  [Reply]
Something doesn't look quite right...
>> Anonymous 23/01/26(Thu)21:34 No.205  
WTF at both this photo and PHP error
>> Anonymous 23/01/26(Thu)21:37 No.206  
>> Anonymous 23/01/26(Thu)23:44 No.207  

File: 1671551323559.jpg (10851 B, ticked_off_Vic.jpg)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
10851 B Name Anonymous 22/12/21(Wed)00:48 No. 151  [Reply]
They wanna ban candy canes because they're shaped like a 𝗝, as in 𝗝𝗲𝘀𝘂𝘀.
>> Anonymous 23/01/19(Thu)02:42 No.193  
do they, op? do they really?
>> Anonymous 23/01/19(Thu)22:23 No.196  
>> jr!CTYaa1T13g 23/01/21(Sat)01:09 No.199  
OH MY.....
>> jr!CTYaa1T13g 23/01/21(Sat)01:10 No.200  
What would an atheist cane look like?
>> Anonymous 23/01/22(Sun)12:01 No.201  
Like this: http://world2ch.net/oekaki/imgboard.php?res=56

File: 1671917960010.jpg (1488236 B, 1671917732719.jpg)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1488236 B Name Anonymous 22/12/25(Sun)06:39 No. 161  [Reply]
I got it
>> Anonymous 22/12/26(Mon)14:08 No.162  
I had Jack in the Box tacos for dinner
>> Anonymous 23/01/19(Thu)02:41 No.191  
File: 1674063682019.jpg (3182 B, 1674062760278999s.jpg)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3182 B

File: 1673947272279.jpg (30372 B, 1559536387774.jpg)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
30372 B fortune Name Anonymous 23/01/17(Tue)18:21 No. 190  [Reply]

File: 1672583114038.png (240734 B, 167242968731.png)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
240734 B Name Anonymous 23/01/01(Sun)23:25 No. 170  [Reply]
you are all retarded
>> Anonymous 23/01/15(Sun)04:10 No.183  
File: 1673723418275.jpg (206268 B, rizz.jpg)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
206268 B
2ch wasn't made for ya

File: 1673682314170.jpg (121775 B, shit.jpg)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
121775 B Name Anonymous 23/01/14(Sat)16:45 No. 180  [Reply]
So 2channel has a log warehouse?...

>> Anonymous 23/01/14(Sat)21:15 No.181  
no it does not faggot

File: 1673618818330.png (50164 B, bnran.png)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
50164 B Name Anonymous 23/01/13(Fri)23:06 No. 179  [Reply]
To whoever is reading this, my identity will not be leaked. I have an unfortunate story to tell. I was browsing the Oddkast Podcast Discord when I got a DM from a user. The user had a profile pic of real life Squidward with the name "BURN NIGGERS RAPE ALL NIGGERS" in capital letters. I decided to disregard that message, since I always got DMs from people that acted like bots, but wanted to read it anyways. The user asked "WHO ARE YOU" I then blocked the user, because I thought it was some alt. However the user kept typing and somehow still speak with me, which I thought was weird. He kept saying "WHY YOU BLOCK ME" I thought this was weird, so I tried troubleshooting. I continuously blocked him, but he kept sending messages such as "HELLO I AM SPEAKING TO YOU" This was starting to get weird as he kept messaging me, even though I blocked the account. He did not seem to share any servers, or mutual friends with me which seemed the more weary. The account then began to try and call me. I tried to decline, but it did not work. After several minutes of attempted calls from the user, I had decided to answer his call. I asked "Hello?" What I heard afterwards was disturbing, and I will never forget it. A deep, raspy voice asked me if I knew any niggers. I said no, because I lived in an all-white neighborhood like any respectable man. He then asked if I was a nigger myself. I said no and he didn't believe me. He started telling me why I'm a total piece of shit for being a nigger, and recited my address, full name, and social security number, as if they were hilarious jokes in it of themselves.

File: 1673365884155.png (122210 B, glaggleflag.png)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
122210 B Glog2ch Name Anonymous 23/01/11(Wed)00:51 No. 177  [Reply]
Make the Glaggleman happy

File: 1672684510941.jpg (269555 B, Asian office asses.jpg)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
269555 B Name Anonymous 23/01/03(Tue)03:35 No. 172  [Reply]
What is W2ch's opinion on japanese ladies?
it might be controversial but i like them a lot (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
>> Anonymous 23/01/04(Wed)12:47 No.173  
>>172 I like them too.

File: 1671489076487.png (83497 B, Screenshot_20221114_054326.png)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
83497 B Name jr!IoZP1d.X7s 22/12/20(Tue)07:31 No. 146  [Reply]
>> Anonymous 22/12/27(Tue)04:54 No.163  
>> Anonymous 22/12/30(Fri)13:19 No.167  
old but gold!
>> Anonymous 22/12/30(Fri)21:15 No.168  
>>167 No...
>> sagesage 23/01/03(Tue)02:38 No.171  
sage goes in all fields

File: 1669866124622.jpg (45822 B, capitalist santa.jpg)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
45822 B Name Anonymous 22/12/01(Thu)12:42 No. 15  [Reply]
The first Christmas on the new world2ch will soon be upon us. How will you celebrate?
>> Anonymous 22/12/01(Thu)18:58 No.17  
I'll probably just spend it in my room.
>> jr!IoZP1d.X7s 22/12/01(Thu)19:40 No.20  
What >>17 said
>> Anonymous 22/12/20(Tue)10:19 No.149  
File: 1671499155518.jpg (261276 B, 2RIDE4U.jpg)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
261276 B
>Fap to 2D characters
>Hang out with family
>Be gloomy
>> Anonymous 22/12/20(Tue)15:53 No.150  
I'm getting myself some authentic finger-lickin good Japanese food
>> Anonymous 22/12/21(Wed)00:53 No.152  
File: 1671551614339.png (379209 B, pshit.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
379209 B
>>Fap to 2D characters

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