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File: 1682452745893.png (39255 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps
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39255 B Landscape thread Name Anonymous 23/04/26(Wed)04:59 No. 76  [Reply]
In this thread: we draw landscapes
17 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> Nameless 24/08/01(Thu)13:33 No.130  
this is rlly kewl!
>> Nameless 24/08/03(Sat)15:17 No.136  
bob ross stuff works remarkably well even under conditions like these
saw some guy following the instructions in Paint on Windows 3.1 and he ended up with some impressive paintings despite the software being bad and the guy lacking skill
>> Nameless 24/08/03(Sat)15:18 No.137  
I'll have to try that later
>> Nameless 24/09/16(Mon)03:11 No.147  
File: 1726423863064.png (71124 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
71124 B
>> Nameless 24/10/09(Wed)03:45 No.148  
File: 1728413125288.png (34972 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
34972 B

File: 1730421474817.png (5722 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
5722 B Name Nameless 24/11/01(Fri)09:37 No. 153  [Reply]
>> Nameless 24/11/18(Mon)13:07 No.158  

File: 1722959731188.png (14312 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
14312 B Name Nameless 24/08/07(Wed)00:55 No. 138  [Reply]
>> Nameless 24/08/07(Wed)03:31 No.139  
Looks like a nuclear blast is happening outside the window
>> Nameless 24/08/07(Wed)09:01 No.140  
That's why the cockroach is unaffected

File: 1722503237861.png (25307 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps
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25307 B Name usagichan 24/08/01(Thu)18:07 No. 131  [Reply]
1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> Nameless 24/08/11(Sun)02:27 No.141  
File: 1723310833452.png (108186 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
108186 B
It's a blood moon but it looks like a lot more is happening lol
>> Nameless 24/08/11(Sun)03:31 No.142  
It looks like a villainous eye
>> usagichan 24/08/16(Fri)20:56 No.143  
File: 1723809372491.png (46502 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
46502 B
>> Nameless 24/08/17(Sat)07:24 No.144  
File: 1723847067189.png (25811 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
25811 B
Time Usagi
>> Nameless 24/09/16(Mon)02:48 No.146  
File: 1726422500825.png (25334 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
25334 B

File: 1722662636558.png (27828 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps
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27828 B Name Nameless 24/08/03(Sat)14:23 No. 134  [Reply]
this drawing software is rough
>> Nameless 24/08/03(Sat)15:02 No.135  
File: 1722664941466.png (10848 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
10848 B
It's not for the faint of heart. perhaps it could become PaintBBS one day or something like that

File: 1722646739841.png (1531 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps
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1531 B Name Nameless 24/08/03(Sat)09:58 No. 133  [Reply]
Do you know what this is? It's a polar bear in a snowstorm.

File: 1669866405325.png (16041 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps
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16041 B Name Anonymous 22/12/01(Thu)12:46 No. 9  [Reply]
New OC
1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> jr!IoZP1d.X7s 22/12/02(Fri)06:38 No.13  
File: 1669930683420.png (17694 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
17694 B
>> Anonymous 22/12/03(Sat)11:47 No.14  
What is its name?
>> Anonymous 22/12/03(Sat)23:16 No.15  
>> jr!IoZP1d.X7s 22/12/05(Mon)02:52 No.16  
File: 1670176355092.png (24403 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
24403 B
>> Nameless 24/05/19(Sun)15:33 No.125  

File: 1706120115647.png (33165 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps
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33165 B Name Nameless 24/01/25(Thu)03:15 No. 120  [Reply]
supposed to be osaka
>> Nameless 24/01/30(Tue)04:01 No.121  
>> Nameless 24/01/30(Tue)04:03 No.122  
File: 1706555004880.png (26569 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
26569 B

File: 1681594893614.png (39554 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
39554 B Name Anonymous 23/04/16(Sun)06:41 No. 74  [Reply]
>> Nameless 23/09/10(Sun)00:35 No.104  
>> Nameless 24/01/05(Fri)06:32 No.119  
So handsome

File: 1704100496397.png (13380 B, oekaki.png)ImgOps
Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
13380 B Name ゼリーさん 24/01/01(Mon)18:14 No. 118  [Reply]

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