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Windows XP Thread

1 :ゼリーさん ◆p9m3de0ojQ :2023/08/02(Wed) 05:38:01 ID:oSLwNRiK
"Yes you can"
- The advertising slogan

      /´  `;、
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   Windows XP

2 :Nameless:2023/08/12(Sat) 09:36:22 ID:a1qmlJO1
No you cant.

3 :Nameless:2023/09/12(Tue) 04:00:42 ID:K+wD7p6S
No I wont.

4 :Nameless:2023/09/29(Fri) 00:14:32 ID:uxIzR3cD
I'm still using teh Windows XP... I'll have to stop connecting to the internet from now on ( ´,_ゝ`)

Such is life. I tried posting on here with MS-DOS but it doesn't work.

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