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Creepy internet web series reccomendations?

1 :Nameless:2024/11/25(Mon) 17:58:42 ID:Tpj1G0kK
From the 2010s.If you got something, let me know. I'm even looking for animations. That disturbing animation you find while browsing, give me that. Also from the 2010s

2 :Nameless:2024/11/26(Tue) 02:26:55 ID:X1QnVdKR
What kind of things have you already found?

3 :Nameless:2024/11/30(Sat) 03:22:58 ID:vQkg9ri3
idk but this website are so fucking strange https://0003000.neocities.org

4 :Nameless:2024/12/01(Sun) 16:39:32 ID:r5gExX8p
Are you the owner of that site 3-san? You(?) have posted it on a large variety of BBSes, both Japanese and English. However it appears that English is not allowed there

5 :Nameless:2024/12/02(Mon) 01:31:40 ID:9j1xnS9A
Maybe you're talking about Salad Fingers?

6 :Nameless:2024/12/04(Wed) 02:08:45 ID:QFreCeZi
>>4 what is 3-can?
and yes you in 0003000 you cant speak in english i dont know why

7 :Nameless:2024/12/04(Wed) 10:17:14 ID:gOBgGOfl
3 because he is post #3. lurk moar

8 :Nameless:2024/12/05(Thu) 09:41:57 ID:+g62+x+o
>>7 wow lurk moard?
i from 4-ch and the people dont talk like that dont be nigger

9 :Nameless:2024/12/05(Thu) 11:51:24 ID:chbu8cX+
I'm use 4ch a lot and I am nigger

10 :Nameless:2024/12/06(Fri) 03:48:59 ID:sZRMo22T
>>9 if you are a nigger kill your self

11 :Nameless:2024/12/06(Fri) 14:31:42 ID:+o/Mn/k4
i will not, i will kill you

12 :Nameless:2024/12/07(Sat) 03:21:11 ID:9YM4mXKT
>>11 you dont kill nothing bastard

13 :Nameless:2024/12/07(Sat) 13:43:27 ID:AD5pOLwW
you are kill

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