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1 :Nameless:2024/11/01(Fri) 10:04:06 ID:CQFIrqUp
Did you know, there is a skeleton inside of you... RIGHT NOW!!!
Chills me bones

2 :Nameless:2024/11/09(Sat) 13:56:50 ID:RQSuMHVW
my skeleton wont stop whispering in my mind every time i walk past the milk isle in the store what do i do

3 :Nameless:2024/11/11(Mon) 00:17:27 ID:ZE0PGQ2/
shut it up with some chocolate milk, maybe strawberry

4 :Nameless:2024/11/23(Sat) 18:27:39 ID:7pXs8yrl
possibly vanilla

5 :Nameless:2024/12/03(Tue) 15:47:08 ID:4+b4RlHV
is vanilla flavoured milk a thing?

6 :Nameless:2024/12/08(Sun) 18:23:09 ID:9M8xz4ak
we're all hiding a skeleton

7 :Nameless:2024/12/09(Mon) 02:18:22 ID:JpCOppxW
But where is the skeleton in us?

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