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Hello world 2

1 :Somebois@Moderator ★:2023/12/27(Wed) 09:16:38 ID:???
hello world2ch l0l

2 :ゼリーさん ◆p9m3de0ojQ :2023/12/27(Wed) 17:39:27 ID:SOWWB8Js
I gave a suggestion if world2ch should be compatible with the MS PRGothic font, under a "Free for Personal Use" license on /meta/.

3 :Somebois@Moderator ★:2023/12/27(Wed) 18:03:45 ID:???
just told him

4 :ゼリーさん ◆p9m3de0ojQ :2023/12/28(Thu) 08:09:26 ID:PtoMCh6p
And also, I gave a suggestion on adding missing boards and categories from the original world2ch.

5 :Somebois@Moderator ★:2023/12/28(Thu) 08:34:34 ID:???
sent that to him too

6 :ゼリーさん ◆p9m3de0ojQ :2023/12/28(Thu) 10:12:16 ID:PtoMCh6p
Ok, and The MS PRGothic font is different than Mona.

Letters in the Mona font is slightly tallers and a few symbols disappear at bigger sizes. The MS PRGothic font is the same size as the MS PGothic font, and the symbols don't disappear when viewed at bigger sizes.

7 :ゼリーさん ◆p9m3de0ojQ :2023/12/28(Thu) 10:22:01 ID:PtoMCh6p
The Greek symbols for example: ν, and ω at bigger sizes, resemble the Times New Roman look, while MS PRGothic has them the same style as MS PGothic.

8 :Somebois@Moderator ★:2023/12/28(Thu) 11:08:28 ID:???

9 :Nameless:2023/12/29(Fri) 13:17:20 ID:/VI5EOvH

10 :Somebois@Moderator ★:2023/12/29(Fri) 16:08:59 ID:???

11 :ゼリーさん ◆p9m3de0ojQ :2023/12/30(Sat) 05:44:22 ID:eMa6Rx3m
I punched two spambots on Meta:

12 :ゼリーさん ◆p9m3de0ojQ :2023/12/30(Sat) 07:08:01 ID:eMa6Rx3m
By the way, You should add the MS PGothic font for Linux users if they have the MS Gothic and MS Mincho font collection installed in their /.fonts/ folder.

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