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Guardians of the Galaxy

1 :Nameless:2023/05/05(Fri) 13:27:03 ID:LrbpzPEF
Did anyone watch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3?

I did and really did like it.

2 :Nameless:2023/05/06(Sat) 09:32:49 ID:aK618//t
No! I hate nerd culture! But if it’s good I’ll watch it. Why did you like it?

3 :Nameless:2023/05/07(Sun) 02:55:18 ID:i3Fb+I2B
I think it's because I saw it with family and it was on the first day. The story and jokes within it were good.

4 :Nameless:2023/05/31(Wed) 06:06:23 ID:KpoOHqZ2
Okay I will watch it

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