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1 :Nameless:2023/02/23(Thu) 08:48:00 ID:ynBBKTEG
For the catholics of World2ch, what are you giving up?

2 :Nameless:2023/02/24(Fri) 00:56:19 ID:iiL+8ygg
being catholic
changing to orthodoxGOD

3 :Nameless:2023/03/29(Wed) 15:29:28 ID:K0WjgSQO
and it's already coming to a close

4 :Nameless:2023/03/29(Wed) 23:36:58 ID:80mSx7rz
i am catholic and i gave up nothing ​(​ ´∀`)

5 :Nameless:2023/04/05(Wed) 06:23:26 ID:gM1+jxFI
I'm an atheist

6 :Nameless:2023/04/12(Wed) 19:27:17 ID:Hqgh7Wdw
Atheism is boring and so are catholics

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