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1 :jr ◆h7EhQrcsuM :2023/02/11(Sat) 11:48:59 ID:wpLUCxnW
Here's a list of 5ch boards where non-Japanese can post

9 :Tate ◆tJbxCiP6kc :2023/03/25(Sat) 09:59:12 ID:???
Thanks but my ISP refuses to give me a new IP for months now. I guess I'll just wait until they do to post there again.

10 :Nameless:2023/03/26(Sun) 00:56:28 ID:hSf9nNun
It's less that they block VPNs, and moar that they've geoblocked the entirety of Europe

Use a JP or US-based VPN server instead

11 :Tate ◆tJbxCiP6kc :2023/03/28(Tue) 12:35:24 ID:???
I'm in the US though

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