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Posting from TOR

1 :Anonymous:2023/01/28(Sat) 03:14:22 ID:x3bDzdrG
If you read this, you can safely post on world2ch using TOR

2 :Anonymous:2023/01/28(Sat) 03:15:43 ID:x3bDzdrG
hell yeah this works :D
thanks w2ch admin for letting us use TOR and other proxies probably too

3 :jr:2023/01/28(Sat) 08:16:04 ID:vGOAk3en

4 :TOR toaster:2023/01/28(Sat) 17:19:25 ID:0A11King
just visit through world2ch.net and bang, you are using w2ch through the safest VPN and Proxy out there!!

5 :Anonymous:2023/02/09(Thu) 01:32:04 ID:+ZNSaERq
Yeah, that's not exactly using it through TOR. You're just using one of the known exit nodes to browse the clearnet via TOR. A small difference but it still is one.

6 :Nameless:2023/02/19(Sun) 12:34:18 ID:5ZNaQB3F
Wait I have to use TOR to be on here?
Is firefox not safe!?

7 :Nameless:2023/02/19(Sun) 18:16:37 ID:z0kBASXe
what are you even talking about nameless, no one said that, and firefox is glowie honeypot, download palemoon or librewolf you NIGGER (・∀・)(・∀・)

8 :jr ◆h7EhQrcsuM :2023/02/20(Mon) 04:52:44 ID:bfUaq7UA
pale moon is a retarded slow browser that barely works with SHIT

can't even run gikopoi

9 :Nameless:2023/02/20(Mon) 19:30:43 ID:yXOLwe8h

10 :Nameless:2023/02/21(Tue) 21:05:51 ID:ZwO6Ikt5
that's gikopoi's fault, if you cannot make your shit work in pale moon or equivalent browsers you're a retarded, spastic ape who should go back to mcdickies instead of attempting to do ""programming""

11 :Nameless:2023/02/22(Wed) 06:57:30 ID:5i6Gd2MD
why would you use these pieces of shit when ladybird exists, you actually have security since there's no JIT compiler attack surface... surely real programmers wouldn't get filtered by having to compile something

12 :Nameless:2023/02/22(Wed) 06:58:12 ID:5i6Gd2MD
why would you use these pieces of shit when ladybird exists, you actually have security since there's no JIT compiler attack surface... surely real programmers wouldn't get filtered by having to compile something

13 :Nameless:2023/02/22(Wed) 15:55:01 ID:MU7lJs2M
You've got no excuse when you are using MyPal on Windows XP.

14 :Angeleno@Administrator ★:2023/04/12(Wed) 14:09:59 ID:???
not sure how much longer I can allow posting with TOR.

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