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how should we bring more people to the website

1 :jr ◆krz7nbX5eVTc :2022/11/29(Tue) 05:44:52 ID:+KUThthE
i want to have this site nice, cool and populated liek heyuri!

19 :Anonymous:2022/11/30(Wed) 22:36:24 ID:XeQ/4Bj9
>>18 Wow! That's so awesome dude! You're in your 30s and typing like that!

20 :Anonymous:2022/11/30(Wed) 23:06:57 ID:LOwPbULl
Thx stick-up-butt-san! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

21 :Anonymous:2022/12/01(Thu) 00:48:42 ID:jgf+f1j/
20th day of Lent and 24th day of Ramadan.
Also World Tuberculosis Day.

22 :Anonymous:2022/12/01(Thu) 01:04:56 ID:9Xjz2kS7
World2ch dominates during Ramadan?
Mashallah ヽ(´∇`)ノ

23 :jr ‚◆krz7nbX5eVTc :2022/12/01(Thu) 06:28:01 ID:V+gmT0ZI

24 :Anonymous:2022/12/01(Thu) 16:02:39 ID:VNYrHjvi
Might post about it on 2ch or Futaba Channel

25 :Anonymous:2022/12/02(Fri) 02:05:42 ID:P1BV2eWP
SEO obviously
When you look up the site it doesnt even appear.

26 :Anonymous:2022/12/02(Fri) 08:25:33 ID:6gLOHGL3
yea google takes a little while to index sites

27 :Anonymous:2022/12/02(Fri) 13:04:35 ID:zePh1OXr
that didn't go very well since the translation (partially done by me, partially done by deepl) became very butchered.

also hopping through vpns to find one that wasn't blocked wasn't too easy.

28 :Anonymous:2022/12/02(Fri) 18:24:22 ID:???

29 :jr ‚◆krz7nbX5eVTc :2022/12/02(Fri) 19:29:04 ID:???
it feels fucking impossible to post on futaba

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