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 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  |________________________________________________________|
The board for AA/ASCII art.
Some AA stories have also been made into Flash movies in the past.
Please feel free to join the Web's most wonderful group of playwrights! For AA resources, visit /gline/.
Board List
1: O YA SUMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(1)  2: I DIDN'T WANT TO DO THIS CHIN-KUN(4)  3: UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: Olly ver.(2)  4: Never forget Shii's Song(1)  5: まて(4)  6: WAHA(2) 
Thread List
【1:1】O YA SUMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 Name: Nameless:2024/07/23(Tue) 06:22:36 ID:ILl3vVKC
  ∧∧ ∩
 ( ´∀`)/ ∧∧ ∩
⊂   ノ  ( ´∀`)/
 (つ ノ  ⊂   ノ  ∧∧ ∩
  (ノ    (つ ノ  ( ´∀`)/
        (ノ   ⊂   ノ
             (つ ノ  ∧∧ ∩
             (ノ  ( ´∀`)/
                _| つ/ヽ-、_
              / └-(____/
               ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

                 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

Name: E-mail:
1 Name: Nameless:2024/07/08(Mon) 02:32:02 ID:kxUEv6lb
      FUCK. YOU.
           /ヽ ヽ     、人 '           ;’, ,
          (  ´Д`)   iニ二@ ´     (   )・  、
           )  ⌒~(__) ,Y`       ゝ   ( ` ´ .
          /   ィ,-─ ̄           /⌒   )
        l    /            / /  ' `/
       |   (          ⊂二__,/   /   
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        l  i.|   |           / /   l )
        l  i .|   |         ノ ')    i ,/
      .....("_)("_゙)      └‐'´ .........厶).......

2 Name: Nameless:2024/07/08(Mon) 15:22:43 ID:RVWP7KFW
ALIEN-UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.32 GB Download


3 Name: Nameless:2024/07/14(Sun) 02:45:37 ID:N3jIAwIp
That alien chin-kun just WON'T DIE

4 Name: ゼリーさん ◆smz6IUT2D2 :2024/07/17(Wed) 04:24:34 ID:Y712nmHa
          /⌒ヽ     、人 '           ;’, ,
          ( ^ω^)   iニ二@ ´     ( 'A`)・  、
           )  ⌒~(__) ,Y`       ゝ   ( ` ´ .
          /   ィ,-─ ̄           /⌒   )
        l    /            / /  ' `/
       |   (          ⊂二__,/ >>2/   
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          l   |   |          /  ,ノ  ! /
        l  i.|   |           / /   l )
        l  i .|   |         ノ ')    i ,/
Comment too long... to read the whole thing, click here.

Name: E-mail:
1 Name: ゼリーさん ◆p9m3de0ojQ :2024/06/14(Fri) 02:16:21 ID:D3VvE05z
        丶   __,,....--‐;:..-
         /''''''''‐‐-、 :::::゛''ニ-- ヽ
    ,,..---‐'ー、_- _(o)_, -....,-ー-゛- つ
  ,,-'"’       ゙'''ー 、 ^゛''''``ー'   わ
   ̄ ̄^゙''ー--........_....,,__,¦  ::::::::1  ぁぁ
         ノノ`’  ヽ」   :::::::t  あぁ
       ,..r公..-''亡ン--..,,,,_...:::::冫 ああ
     ヽニニ`-''"´      ::::::::::\ ぁあ

2 Name: Nameless:2024/06/15(Sat) 10:05:08 ID:ClJ67dHX

Name: E-mail:
【4:1】Never forget Shii's Song
1 Name: Nameless:2024/06/13(Thu) 15:18:19 ID:Ys/8Nn4A
Never forget Shii's Song
Shii's song is forever!

Name: E-mail:
1 Name: Nameless:2024/04/29(Mon) 13:17:59 ID:QFAi5C7L
( ;´∀`) e-eroi
人 Y /
( ヽ し

2 Name: Nameless:2024/04/30(Tue) 08:05:20 ID:NC64qe/l

3 Name: Nameless:2024/06/09(Sun) 09:52:10 ID:qJ56OLel

4 Name: Nameless:2024/06/12(Wed) 10:06:05 ID:5N1L5biu
Get yur test out of my ero

Name: E-mail:
1 Name: WAHA:2024/02/15(Thu) 07:10:22 ID:UIW9B7un
           _,. -──=ニヽ、
         /レ'´       `ヽ、
        //● / , ,、 ヽ ヽヽ ト、
      /7O j_ノ_/ハHl、_j l lN
       〈7イ ´|/l/   `ヘノ} jrく)j
     r‐ヶハl  c⌒r─ォ⌒c,ハヽ〉  WAHA!
     Y//,ハ>、j>l、_ノ.イレ1l レ′
        \l l//` ` ̄´ j l レ'
         _>′r。~。ヽ レ'´
      (__ゝ、<ゞニア< |
           \`^^´  l

W    W  A.A.A.  H    H  A.A.A.  !!!
W    W A    .A H    H A    .A !!!
W  W  W A.A.A.A.A H.H.H.H.H A.A.A.A.A. !!
W.W .W.W A    .A H    H A    .A
W    W A    .A H    H A    .A !!!

2 Name: Nameless:2024/06/05(Wed) 07:04:50 ID:4T0lDpHu

Name: E-mail:

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