World2ch has finally been cleaned. Me and another admin by the name of rato have finally convinced Angeleno to let us clean up world2ch. We promise to maintain the site and keep it clean for all you amazing folks
2 :sewer@Admin ★:2024/06/05(Wed) 07:48:57 ID:???
Thank you for your time
3 :Anonymous:2024/06/06(Thu) 01:39:35 ID:OIi9Eth+
Glad to see this version won't die like the original. Is Angeleno still around or is he gone for good?
4 :sewer@Admin ★:2024/06/06(Thu) 05:05:28 ID:???
Yes Angeleno is still around he's the one who's paying for the servers and working on a new textboard software as stated before. But that being said world2ch won't be abandoned as it was before