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What comes next?

1 :Nameless:2023/08/06(Sun) 03:45:20 ID:DXPrSYET
In the 20s and 30s you had Bolshevism and Anarchism. In the 60s and 70s we had anti-Soviet Marxism. In the 90s and 200s we had jihadism. But what radical ideological movement does the youth have today? Is Gen Z just a sell out generation and the closest thing to youth rebellion is watching Andrew Tate videos or shitposting on /pol/?

7 :Nameless:2023/12/08(Fri) 04:33:09 ID:jKZgZdAK
The idea that countries are fucking stupid and that there should be one government for all of humanity.
How it will be run is up to the person.

8 :Nameless:2023/12/08(Fri) 19:38:23 ID:M5Qi7HxE
humanism sounds stupid
One world government is far too big. They wouldn't be able to administer it properly.

9 :Nameless:2024/01/03(Wed) 03:17:00 ID:7WhqJbUL
>>7 countries are fucking stupid yes, governments are? nah

10 :Nameless:2024/01/23(Tue) 22:46:40 ID:xGD4P8yt
We were doing something good with nationalism until the MAGA supporters came along and made our community pro-Israel.

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