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Board List
1: BOO(9)  2: Anyone still not dead in here?(9)  3: xxx(1)  4: Sutter(3)  5: ようかんマン(5)  6: Creepy internet web series reccomendations?(13)  7: favorite TV show rn?(10)  8: [HIDEOUS] The end of the world! [DISGUSTING](4)  9: Fear me(4)  10: Metal Music (11)  11: ZOMG(2)  12: 箱庭諸島2(5)  13: Coming Age of the Biomechanoid (3)  14: Why don't I run the world?(6)  15: How's life (6)  16: WHAT(4)  17: ǂݏグ(2)  18: test(17)  19: shit still works on firefox 0.8(1)  20: My new mascot: „Åú„Çä„ɺ„Éû„É≥(2)  21: Hello. (again)(2)  22: Happy 2024, world2ch!(3)  23: GONE FOREVER(2)  24: Vucko's Lecture(5)  25: Hello world 2(12)  26: GTA VI(2)  27: A little introduction...(6)  28: KJgfubowjiajisfmovisfv9999asf(8)  29: i havent seen jr in a while.....(3)  30: What comes next?(10) 
Thread List
1 Name: Nameless:2024/11/01(Fri) 10:04:06 ID:CQFIrqUp
Did you know, there is a skeleton inside of you... RIGHT NOW!!!
Chills me bones

2 Name: Nameless:2024/11/09(Sat) 13:56:50 ID:RQSuMHVW
my skeleton wont stop whispering in my mind every time i walk past the milk isle in the store what do i do

3 Name: Nameless:2024/11/11(Mon) 00:17:27 ID:ZE0PGQ2/
shut it up with some chocolate milk, maybe strawberry

4 Name: Nameless:2024/11/23(Sat) 18:27:39 ID:7pXs8yrl
possibly vanilla

5 Name: Nameless:2024/12/03(Tue) 15:47:08 ID:4+b4RlHV
is vanilla flavoured milk a thing?

6 Name: Nameless:2024/12/08(Sun) 18:23:09 ID:9M8xz4ak
we're all hiding a skeleton

7 Name: Nameless:2024/12/09(Mon) 02:18:22 ID:JpCOppxW
But where is the skeleton in us?

8 Name: Nameless:2025/01/23(Thu) 15:01:47 ID:SJ2wGJU6

9 Name: lol ◆HCgtCD43N. :2025/01/23(Thu) 15:42:37 ID:ilW1GSps

Name: E-mail:
【2:9】Anyone still not dead in here?
1 Name: Nameless:2024/11/15(Fri) 22:06:28 ID:N06kk6US
Is this board a ghost town?

2 Name: Nameless:2024/11/16(Sat) 06:13:17 ID:LVWbLh3l
It was active not long ago before the software changed back

3 Name: Nameless:2024/11/18(Mon) 01:14:28 ID:UUfyHWHH

4 Name: Nameless:2024/11/18(Mon) 22:07:49 ID:RVBqGXzZ
It's a town made of ghosts! Only ghosts here.

5 Name: Nameless:2024/11/19(Tue) 06:46:53 ID:K9D+7gUE
OOooooo! It's haunted!!!!

6 Name: Nameless:2024/12/08(Sun) 18:22:21 ID:9M8xz4ak
Ima ghost too. Chilly.

7 Name: Nameless:2025/01/17(Fri) 16:24:19 ID:g0BFJn6c

8 Name: Nameless:2025/01/18(Sat) 16:05:03 ID:DTSL7k6v

9 Name: Nameless:2025/01/22(Wed) 06:20:50 ID:07J8owdt

Name: E-mail:
1 Name: Nameless:2025/01/22(Wed) 05:32:20 ID:iYfyVju7
real rape and sadism.

48 links to films, 25 gb.



real rape and sadism.

48 links to films, 25 gb.



Name: E-mail:
1 Name: Nameless:2025/01/13(Mon) 06:39:08 ID:JwxhpHi4
testing something for sutter. Coming very soon.

2 Name: Nameless:2025/01/13(Mon) 14:06:58 ID:Z2MJV8Y5
better be

3 Name: Nameless:2025/01/16(Thu) 14:23:59 ID:UYKO9Zj0
mod interface is working only thing left is to write the index

Name: E-mail:
1 Name: Nameless:2024/12/22(Sun) 04:16:51 ID:Zxop6gbw

2 Name: Nameless:2024/12/23(Mon) 01:47:45 ID:BHfDkeOP

3 Name: Nameless:2024/12/23(Mon) 02:37:59 ID:BHfDkeOP
<b>testing too</b>

4 Name: Nameless:2024/12/30(Mon) 02:20:50 ID:blCxWcqh
test 3

5 Name: Nameless:2025/01/13(Mon) 06:38:17 ID:WLbETqi/

Name: E-mail:
【6:13】Creepy internet web series reccomendations?
1 Name: Nameless:2024/11/25(Mon) 17:58:42 ID:Tpj1G0kK
From the 2010s.If you got something, let me know. I'm even looking for animations. That disturbing animation you find while browsing, give me that. Also from the 2010s

4 Name: Nameless:2024/12/01(Sun) 16:39:32 ID:r5gExX8p
Are you the owner of that site 3-san? You(?) have posted it on a large variety of BBSes, both Japanese and English. However it appears that English is not allowed there

5 Name: Nameless:2024/12/02(Mon) 01:31:40 ID:9j1xnS9A
Maybe you're talking about Salad Fingers?

6 Name: Nameless:2024/12/04(Wed) 02:08:45 ID:QFreCeZi
>>4 what is 3-can?
and yes you in 0003000 you cant speak in english i dont know why

7 Name: Nameless:2024/12/04(Wed) 10:17:14 ID:gOBgGOfl
3 because he is post #3. lurk moar

8 Name: Nameless:2024/12/05(Thu) 09:41:57 ID:+g62+x+o
>>7 wow lurk moard?
i from 4-ch and the people dont talk like that dont be nigger

9 Name: Nameless:2024/12/05(Thu) 11:51:24 ID:chbu8cX+
I'm use 4ch a lot and I am nigger

10 Name: Nameless:2024/12/06(Fri) 03:48:59 ID:sZRMo22T
>>9 if you are a nigger kill your self

11 Name: Nameless:2024/12/06(Fri) 14:31:42 ID:+o/Mn/k4
i will not, i will kill you

12 Name: Nameless:2024/12/07(Sat) 03:21:11 ID:9YM4mXKT
>>11 you dont kill nothing bastard

13 Name: Nameless:2024/12/07(Sat) 13:43:27 ID:AD5pOLwW
you are kill

Name: E-mail:
【7:10】favorite TV show rn?
1 Name: Nameless:2024/06/13(Thu) 00:07:52 ID:Q6jysokO
I love the sopranos rn it's my favorite show

2 Name: Nameless:2024/06/13(Thu) 10:38:21 ID:5famwVtI

3 Name: Nameless:2024/06/13(Thu) 11:07:22 ID:Q6jysokO
I love when they say how about the pricks face

4 Name: Nameless:2024/06/13(Thu) 14:55:34 ID:5famwVtI
A pricks face is just the head of a penis right?

5 Name: Nameless:2024/06/23(Sun) 09:39:19 ID:zEPsIU99
I just got really into Invader Zim a couple of weeks ago

6 Name: sewer@Admin ★:2024/06/30(Sun) 02:11:34 ID:???

7 Name: Nameless:2024/10/28(Mon) 09:11:06 ID:GiOGQJUw
law and order is pretty cool

8 Name: Nameless:2024/10/28(Mon) 09:11:28 ID:GiOGQJUw
although I wouldn't consider myself a fan or anything

9 Name: Nameless:2024/10/29(Tue) 10:01:20 ID:ysHkBvSD
Law is interesting. Did you know rape is illegal?

10 Name: Nameless:2024/11/12(Tue) 14:07:05 ID:+HZyy7Sw

Name: E-mail:
【8:4】[HIDEOUS] The end of the world! [DISGUSTING]
1 Name: Nameless:2024/07/23(Tue) 06:13:22 ID:qZOHI2X/
  /・・ |
 ( ∀ ノ
┌ ̄ ̄│ ̄ ̄┐
│  │  │

2 Name: Nameless:2024/07/23(Tue) 07:51:46 ID:pCWSCPac
ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!!


3 Name: Nameless:2024/07/26(Fri) 14:47:58 ID:zY0QpNe0

4 Name: Nameless:2024/11/01(Fri) 14:01:26 ID:/m5FrUxa
   | |     
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( ( ( ( \/⌒ー ー⌒ヽ.
\____________ノト 。人 。 イ、ヽ
        ヽニキ ニ /_ゝ .)
          丶    (_ソ

Name: E-mail:
【9:4】Fear me
1 Name: Nameless:2024/10/31(Thu) 01:28:53 ID:MkH9Dz5J
I'm Nameless-San
destroyer of all textboards

2 Name: Nameless:2024/10/31(Thu) 09:20:22 ID:7mLWgQaE
welp, at least you are not Vucko or Jaxx, that's already an improvement

3 Name: Nameful:2024/10/31(Thu) 09:46:52 ID:iM83jSW4
I am Nameful-sama, destroyer of Nameless-san

4 Name: Nameless:2024/11/01(Fri) 13:57:18 ID:/m5FrUxa
I am one name sama. The more realistic version of nameful and nameless sama moshi mosh

Name: E-mail:
【10:11】Metal Music
1 Name: Nameless:2024/06/13(Thu) 11:16:34 ID:Q6jysokO
I love metal and extreme metal a lot. Favorite bands right now are profanatica, incantation and blasphemy as well slayer wbu guys

2 Name: Nameless:2024/06/13(Thu) 14:56:00 ID:5famwVtI
Those sound blasphemous

3 Name: Nameless:2024/06/13(Thu) 22:22:52 ID:Q6jysokO
Perhaps they are but I'm Catholic lawl

4 Name: Nameless:2024/06/16(Sun) 23:41:08 ID:fo/nSu6r
We as some of you might be aware are coming to an end of the age of man. Sometime in the near future we will enter the age of the Biomechanoid. Will you accept the cold embrace of metal and rise above your primitive state ascending to godhood to find your destiny amongst the stars. Or will you stay a sorry blob of flesh and be left behind to die on this sick and decaying world. The choice is yours!

5 Name: Nameless:2024/06/26(Wed) 17:10:32 ID:???
Not really extreme or anything, I'd say they're quite tame and basic but I love Megadeth and Sabaton. I also love nu-metal like Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park and Ill Nino but many don't consider them metal so I don't know if they count.

6 Name: sewer@Admin ★:2024/06/30(Sun) 01:56:17 ID:???

7 Name: Nameless:2024/07/02(Tue) 11:58:36 ID:qq8pPLZH
not an xxxtreme metal dude really

my favorite metal band is Judas Priest by a lot
I like a fair few of the mega-famous bands like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, and Metallica, naturally

I miss System of a Down pretty much constantly, they're the only "nu-metal" band I like except I feel like calling them nu-metal is fucking bullshit

there are a few foreign-language bands I like, such as ADX, Sortilege, Loudness (you have to fucking listen to their song Firestorm), Earthshaker (not that heavy despite the name), and Anthem (these guys kick so much fucking ass man)

seriously, listen to Firestorm

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8 Name: Nameless:2024/07/02(Tue) 11:59:46 ID:qq8pPLZH
continuing from the last post since it got too long:

Helloween is a great band, or at least was. Their recent stuff sounds like a mess to me, but their first three albums are 11/10 amazing. Halloween is so fucking good as a song.

Thirteen fucking minutes of KICK-ASS.


also, this group, Stone Dagger, that did only a short 2 track demo
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9 Name: Nameless:2024/10/16(Wed) 07:13:07 ID:7wR7/LIO
Metal music is gay and homosexual

10 Name: Nameless:2024/10/24(Thu) 02:41:36 ID:xlBIRqji

11 Name: Nameless:2024/10/28(Mon) 09:20:09 ID:GiOGQJUw
Melvins, Helmet, Electric Wizard, Ministry (I don't know if any of these bands are actually metal but they sound pretty metal to me)

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