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favorite TV show rn?

1 :Nameless:2024/06/13(Thu) 00:07:52 ID:Q6jysokO
I love the sopranos rn it's my favorite show

2 :Nameless:2024/06/13(Thu) 10:38:21 ID:5famwVtI

3 :Nameless:2024/06/13(Thu) 11:07:22 ID:Q6jysokO
I love when they say how about the pricks face

4 :Nameless:2024/06/13(Thu) 14:55:34 ID:5famwVtI
A pricks face is just the head of a penis right?

5 :Nameless:2024/06/23(Sun) 09:39:19 ID:zEPsIU99
I just got really into Invader Zim a couple of weeks ago

6 :sewer@Admin ★:2024/06/30(Sun) 02:11:34 ID:???

7 :Nameless:2024/10/28(Mon) 09:11:06 ID:GiOGQJUw
law and order is pretty cool

8 :Nameless:2024/10/28(Mon) 09:11:28 ID:GiOGQJUw
although I wouldn't consider myself a fan or anything

9 :Nameless:2024/10/29(Tue) 10:01:20 ID:ysHkBvSD
Law is interesting. Did you know rape is illegal?

10 :Nameless:2024/11/12(Tue) 14:07:05 ID:+HZyy7Sw

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