>>2 This is some kind of joke right? Kuz getting gay cancer. Sounds too good to be true.
4 :Nameless:2023/07/29(Sat) 10:45:03 ID:iDQVKwGi
>>3 Keep in mind that in Russia, HIV isn't even an STD, blood transmission is the most common vector there. Russia also has a literal HIV epidemic, it was in top 5 countries with highest portion of new HIV infections in 2021, right after South Africa, Mosambique, Nigeria and India
5 :Nameless:2023/08/06(Sun) 02:08:23 ID:DXPrSYET
I'd say he deserved it, but giving us Heyuri more than makes up for his past antics.
6 :Nameless:2023/08/24(Thu) 05:07:24 ID:YSx0Hrh5
How he get HIV?
7 :Nameless:2023/08/29(Tue) 20:42:23 ID:hlklfM5n
>>6 He's accused of raping two teen boys in Russia. He could have got it from blood transfusion or hospitals in Russia where the disease is rampant or just heroin use which is more likely.