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20 years old

1 :Nameless:2023/02/13(Mon) 04:25:29 ID:yhdVoBiI
World2ch turns 20 years old (kind of) in a bit more than a month (March 14, 2023). Just sayin. \(^▽^)/

4 :Nameless:2023/02/17(Fri) 04:29:19 ID:???
Every site you use, unless it's maybe a tor site, gathers data from you.

5 :Nameless:2023/03/04(Sat) 04:24:48 ID:xAxY0rPh
dilate, tranny

6 :Nameless:2023/03/14(Tue) 13:09:45 ID:ueCFmp/E
That time's finally come!

7 :jr ◆h7EhQrcsuM :2023/03/15(Wed) 08:01:44 ID:qfPTr1Cw
We should celebrate.
Also, 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679

8 :池沼さん:2023/03/19(Sun) 16:12:03 ID:LT32f8/G

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