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Kuz's possible acquisition of 4chan

1 :Anonymous:2022/12/02(Fri) 18:52:15 ID:MgA9TBVn
What does world2ch think about Kuz possibly acquiring 4chan?

21 :Anonymous:2022/12/10(Sat) 23:46:57 ID:bEQ8MPAr
Why do you want the thread deleted?

22 :Angeleno ‚óÜBMDik3OFd2 :2022/12/11(Sun) 00:16:23 ID:nJD5iNCG
Sorry. Was a misclick.
That is what shows up if you wish to soft delete a post.

23 :jr:2022/12/11(Sun) 00:52:19 ID:czQUQ8wd

24 :Anonymous:2022/12/11(Sun) 03:41:10 ID:rTieZNWM
! ! !
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. & & : & Kuz
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25 :Anonymous:2022/12/11(Sun) 04:28:11 ID:0vkS1L0A
>>22 Why you try to delete thread?

26 :Anonymous:2022/12/11(Sun) 19:06:51 ID:xBtKP4zO
>(and has had the gall to get mad and complain about getting banned to kaguya afterwards)
lol what
when did this happen?

27 :Anonymous:2022/12/13(Tue) 03:59:44 ID:s4xxt0zX
K♥♥Z BUY WORLD2CH PL0X ヽ(>▲<)ノ

28 :Anonymous:2022/12/14(Wed) 05:15:55 ID:???

29 :Anonymous:2022/12/15(Thu) 07:48:58 ID:???
teen thread

30 :Anonymous:2023/01/17(Tue) 14:26:46 ID:FD8W4m3T
I don't trust a guy who owns a website dedicate to soyjak and raiding to be a 4chan admin.

31 :Anonymous:2023/01/18(Wed) 04:16:21 ID:P1Kq5ES4
>>30 the owner of this site owns soyjak.wiki so suck it up

32 :Anonymous:2023/01/19(Thu) 16:05:57 ID:???
I swear imageboards have always been managed by fucking teenagers.

33 :Anonymous:2023/01/20(Fri) 18:51:58 ID:???
>>32 hold up then kuz would be the exception to this (hiro too)

34 :Nameless:2023/03/04(Sat) 04:26:01 ID:xAxY0rPh

35 :Nameless:2023/06/06(Tue) 07:03:04 ID:pjR6tJ64
I guess kuz isn't buying 4chan anymore ( ´,_ゝ`)

36 :Nameless:2023/06/12(Mon) 11:54:40 ID:J9mCg+Ih
Kuzzy ku

37 :Nameless:2023/06/19(Mon) 05:06:58 ID:cww6snFg
Can't be any worse than Hiros

38 :Nameless:2023/07/31(Mon) 09:37:29 ID:uMvnE2Yy
Who the fuck is Kuz?

39 :Nameless:2023/12/13(Wed) 07:34:39 ID:nAWKK0PQ
Turns out he was a 19 year old from florida named "Carter"

40 :Nameless:2023/12/14(Thu) 09:44:56 ID:D6T7on28
that surely can't be true

41 :Nameless:2023/12/23(Sat) 13:14:17 ID:47eVf9sJ
if it happens im killing myself

42 :Nameless:2023/12/26(Tue) 04:00:29 ID:KvU84b4S
kuzzy kuz

43 :Somebois@Moderator ★:2023/12/27(Wed) 18:10:03 ID:???
>>27 id rather die than that happening.

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