User's Guide
Frequently Asked Questions

What's World2ch? What's World2ch?
About the Webmaster
Is World2ch safe?
Are users really kept anonymous?
OK, sounds great. Now I want to explore!

What's World2ch?

World2ch a mega-bbs group, covering various everyday topics from hacking to those lovely after-dinner thoughts.
An idea born from the original Ni-Channel BBS (2ch), World2ch hopes to unite all voices around the world to be spoken freely, while keeping the free-spirited Japanese flair that popularized the original 2ch as the way it is today. There is no user registration on world2ch, just choose a board and start posting!
About the Manager

(working on it)
Is World2ch safe?

I, as a manager of this site, assure that using World2ch is not dangerous, just as long as everyone uses his/her own good judgement. However -- taking advantage of anonymity of World2ch, some individuals will eventually misbehave. But overall, it's up to your own moral judgement.
Are users really kept anonymous?

The only time your IP is logged in our server is when you post or comment.
And even then, we only keep that information for a set amount of time.
Please understand this policy.

IP and other private information are given out only at the request of law enforcement or court jurisdiction.
Otherwise, only the webmaster holds users' private information; even the volunteer "janitors" can't see it.
Keep in mind that you can choose to display your IP address if you type "fusianasan" at the the name column.
Please read the IP display instructions for more info and policies regarding this feature.
OK, sounds great. Now I want to explore!

Seeing is believing! You'll understand even more if you participate!
You are more than welcome to join the crowd and speak your mind out, just as long as you can follow the rules .

Rules regarding the use of World2ch Wait, what do you mean RULES!?
So, what are these rules, anyway?
What happens if I violate any rule?
What else do I need to consider?
Who has the copyright of world2ch?

Wait, what do you mean RULES!?

When Hiroyuki Nishimura founded the original 2ch, he vowed to keep 2ch totally free from any rules and regulations.
Sadly, many users took advantage of Hiroyuki's words, making 2ch a less comfortable place.
The Webmaster of World2ch has unwillingly decided to follow Hiroyuki's footsteps and give the users a minimum degree of regulations that would hopefully allow all visitors to enjoy conversing with each other in anonyminity.
So, what are these rules, anyway?

Always leave time and space for newcomers to blend in in with your buddies, don't use excessive foul language, don't slander other users, don't disclose anyone's private information, and don't request to delete a thread out of your own personal reasons or gains.

In other words, please browse around with at least a bit of common sense, treat others as you would like to be treated, and think before you hit that post button. That way, any discussion can be an enjoyable experience.
What if I violate any rule?

Your message will be deleted.
Your message will be re-posted if the webmasters deem here that the rules were not violated.
Please view the deletion guidelines for more detailed info regarding writing rules.
Remember: Just because a thread may be controversial in aspect, doesn't automatically mean that it has grounds for deletion.
What else do I need to consider?

First, please post about things that are actually interesting to others . Please be aware that these are public forums, and many people can read your posts.
Please do not waste our server space by posting unneccessary messages or pointless topics. Keep in mind that our server capacity is not infinite.
When you do start a new thread, don't forget to check if there is already an open one with the same topic.
What else do I need to consider?

If you post a text that you wrote, it will be public domain.
( But if you post text that others wrote, it can't be public domain)
Guide's page and Service's page was public domain too.

Basics & Terminology How does World2ch's forum system work?
What are my options when viewing a thread?
Can a HTML tag, link, or file/picture attachment be performed?
What's "Aborn" or "There is not such BBS or a thread."?
What's an "Arashi"?
Why are there so many different posts with the same name?
What are those "!" and "@" symbols in the name column for?

How does World2ch's forum system work?

World2ch's main viewing area is seperated into two frames. The small left-hand frame shows you the BBS List .
We're constantly changing BBS boards according to the needs and wants of users. Therefore, boards may come and go.
Suggestions for new boards are more than welcome in our "request" board.

Once you find a BBS board that interests you, click it, and the right-hand frame will show you the BBS' thread preview page .
The 10 most recent threads will be shown in detail, along with the last 10 posts for each individual thread.
Also, the latest 30 threads will be shown at the Recent Thread List near the top of the page.
If you would like to see all the older available threads, click on the "Thread list is here." link to view the Full Thread List .
  • If you want to create a new thread , simply click "Create Thread" at the bottom of the BBS' thread preview page.
  • If you would like to post at the thread currently displayed , please use the post column located at the end of the thread's table.
  • Once you have found a thread in the thread list that you're interested in, you can click on the title to automatically advance your browser to that specific thread .
World2ch is a forum system by which threads are sorted in chronological order of individual posts.
This means that everytime someone posts in a certain thread, that thread will bump up as the first thread shown at the recent thread list.
In 2ch terminology, this is also known as "age" .

However, if someone posts a message with the word "sage" in the mail column , the thread won't bump up as the first in the recent thread list. As new threads are being created -- as well as other threads being "age", eventually that certain thread will sink down from the "recent thread list", and further into the "full thread list".
Keeping this in mind, you can theoretically make a thread "private" from normal passerby's, just as long as posters keep using "sage" in the mail column.

★ Advice
Please be aware that any thread in World2ch is never completely private .
The sage function is merely a suggestion for "concealing" a thread.
As a precautionary measure, please refrain from revealing any personal information .
If you have any more questions, please ask at the lounge .

★ Advice
aa function
If you type "aa" into the Mail column , your posting is displayed in Mona Font or MS PGothic, size 12pt, which is the ideal font for displaying ASCII Art.
You are required to download Mona Font or MS PGothic prior to activating the aa function.
Browsing world2ch with either of these fonts installed are highly reccommended.
What are my options when viewing a thread?

You have the option to view "ALL", "Newest 50", "1-100" in a thread.
  • "ALL" displays every single message posted in a thread into one long HTML.
  • "Newest 50" displays the last newest 50 messages that have been posted in a thread.
  • "1-100" displays the first 100 messages in a thread.
If you are only currently viewing parts of a thread (i.e. "1-100" or ">>774" out of 1000 from a specified direct link at another site, etc...), clicking "display new res" will display the rest of the messages in that thread, starting from after the last displayed message.

★ Advice
A convenient way to quickly read the newest messages of your favorite threads is to add "newest 50" as a bookmark or a favorite.
Can a HTML tag, link, or file/picture attachment be performed?

HTML tags & attachments of any kind cannot be performed.
However, if you type a URL in your post, the server will automatically convert it into a clickable link.
Linking to any other World2ch page is allowed.
Also, typing in ">>" and a number (i.e. >>774) will automatically convert into a link referring to that specified post number.
This feature is very useful for writing a response, directed to an earlier post.

★ Advice
Be careful when clicking unfamiliar off-site URLs, as some users might post URLs leading to undesireable pages. This includes pages with inappropriate material that may offend you, links to illegal programs or viruses, or even malacious scripts and browser crashers.
Don't be afraid to ask "whether this link is safe or not" in the lounge , in order to prevent any damage beforehand.

Otherwise, you are responsible for your own actions when clicking an off-site link.
What's "Aborn" or "There is not such BBS or a thread."?

"Aborn" is a notice of an individual post that has been deleted.
"There is not such BBS or a thread." means that the BBS or thread you're trying to access is is either deleted or no longer available. Quite self-explanitory.
Also, note that posts can be deleted by an administrator without an "aborn" notice.

What is an "Arashi"?

If you're familiar with the term "Troll" or "Trolling" , that's exactly what an "Arashi" is.
It's the general act of causing trouble, with the sole intent to disrupt other users.
Usually this is accomplished by message flooding, posting repeated messages with either short unintelligible words/meanings or offensive language/material, or just simply posts that repeatedly violate the rules (in which, the messages become candidates for deletion).

This includes, but not limited to:
  • Repeated slanders to an individual or group
  • Posting completely off-topic material repeatedly, while obviously being aware about it
  • Flooding existing threads or creating unnecessary threads with reckless abandon
Whenever you encounter these "Arashi", try to refrain from responding back in any way. In almost all cases, ignoring the offender until he/she leaves is the best solution.
If an "Arashi" still persists, please report the problem at the "Delection request" board, and the administrator will check if the posts are in grounds for deletion.
Otherwise, if you were to insult back, this would just add fuel to the fire, giving an "Arashi" more incentive to cause trouble, and possibly make matters worse for everyone.

Remember: Just like the old-age advice for trolls, "Don't feed the Arashi, or you become an Arashi".
Why are there so many different posts with the same name?

When someone posts a message with a blank name column, the server will automatically assign a default name , expressing a user's decision to post anonymously.
The typical name assigned for anonymous posters is "Nameless" .
The default name may differ from one BBS board to another.
What are those "!" and "@" symbols in the name column for?

These symbols represent "Cap / Trip Codes" .
The actual symbols cannot be inputted in the name column manually, but are instead generated by a specified character sequence .

! is a "cap function" , which succeeds a registered username.
If you would like your own registered username in World2ch, please email the webmaster for more information.
Requests for a cap function are not honored in public posts.

@ is a "self cap" . Anyone can create their own self-cap code by inputting a "#xxxxxx" suffix ( xxxxxx is any character sequence you choose) into the name column.
The server will then translate that character sequence into a unique ID namecode.

For example:
Typing in "Giko Neko#nanashi" into the name column will then translate your name into "Giko Neko @zC0/fC22x6" when you post.
That ID code will remain the same for any thread, or any name that precedes your desired "#xxxxxx" sequence.
(i.e. "Shii#nanashi" will also translate into "Shii @zC0/fC22x6", retaining that unique ID namecode)

As you can imagine, these Cap / Trip codes are very useful -- in case you wish to reveal yourself in various threads, but don't want anyone else to steal your identity and pose as you.

★ Advice
If you try to input the actual ! and @ symbols into the name column, they will automatically be quoted with quote symbols ("!" and "@"). This signifies that they are not cap symbols.
Think twice before you attempt to impersonate someone wth a real cap / trip code.

Requests & fixes BBS and / or threads look strange.
I would like to request a thread lock / post deletion.
I want you to add a new / close / divide a BBS board.
I would like everything to be perfect!

BBS and / or threads look strange.

This can mean various reasons. A summary of unusual problems can be found here .
Even though a thread may have problems, please don't create a new thread immediately. Inform the webmaster via the " request " board.
I would like to request a thread lock / post deletion.

Please post your deletion requests at the " Delection request " board.
However, before you request to delete any posts, please read the request disclaimers and guidelines .

In World2ch, we do not delete posts for petty reasons, or for someone's own self-centered personal interests / gains.
When you push a post button, you agree that you are aware of the rules, your own moral judgement "whether the message is acceptable in the public's view", and that you will be held accountable for your actions .

Remember: Just because a thread may be controversial in aspect, doesn't automatically mean that it has grounds for deletion.
★ Advice
I will consider the deletion request by any means as a collaborated group effort. Please consider this situation.
I want you to add a new / close / divide a BBS board.

If you would like us to add a new board, close off an existing board, or split off to a specific new board, please forward your requests at the " request " board.
It's ultimately up to the administrator to decide whether to open a new BBS , or not.

Dividing a BBS may be neccessary when a specific topic has grown beyond a BBS' general purpose. Please discuss this situation with your peers in the BBS before writing a request.

When either requesting a new BBS or dividing an existing BBS, please explain in full detail "why it is required".

Concerning closing an existing BBS, we consider closure in rare cases that there is a problem beyond our control.
Requests for a BBS closure will requre a collaborated mass group effort; we will not respond to requests from very few users.
If / when the time comes that our maximum server capacity has been reached, we will consider closing down certain BBS boards which we deem unimportant or rarely visited.

★ Advice
When you request a BBS addition / deletion / division, please post details (i.e. reasons, links to a specific thread discussing the situation, the name of the BBS, etc).
I would like everything to be perfect!

We are trying our best to make World2ch an enjoyable experience, but it's also up to an individual to adhere to the rules and post interesting topics. That's simply the bottom line.

Error messages

when posting

"There is no text."
"There is no title."

"Text's length over" or "Title over"
"Name's length over" or "Mail's length over"
"Line over" or "The number of characters over"

"Thread creation is carried out too much."
"The same res" or "Continuation contribution"

"Under IP regulation"
"An unjust value"
"A post limit"
"It becomes impossible to display that 1000 is exceeded."

"There is no text."
"There is no title."

"There is a no text" means that there is no message content at all. Type something in!
"There is no title." means that you forgot to type something in the title column when creating a new thread.
"Text's length over" or "Title over"
"Name's length over" or "Mail's length over"
"Line over" or "The number of characters over"

There's too many characters or lines in the respected message columns.
Try reducing the number of lines or charcters per line, then try to post again.

Regarding limits:
  • Maximum line feeds are 30 lines (turncated to 20 lines on the thread preview list ).
  • Maximum amount of characters per line are 195 half-width characters .
  • Since a single UTF-8 based full-width character is equivalent to 3 half-width characters , using full-width unicode characters will reduce the total amount of characters available per line accordingly.
"Thread creation is carried out too much."
"The same res" or "Continuation contribution"

As a measure to stop spammers, thread flooders / arashi, or unintentional repeated submissions due to server latency, "Thread creation is carried out too much." means that the number of available new threads that a single user can create within a timeframe has been exceeded.
The number of new threads that can be created within a timeframe is different for every BBS.
If the limit has been exceeded, please try again later.

"The same res" is also the result of anti-flooding measures.
This error message means that a single user has attempted to post multiple messages, which have the same exact information, within a short period of time.
Please refrain from posting the same exact message over and over again, or at least change your message in some sort of fashion.

As for "Continuation contribution" , a single user exceeds the maximum amount of available message posts within a short period of time.
Once that limit has been exceeded, please try again later.
"Under IP regulation"

A "Under IP regulation" message is due to:
  • Using the same IP range as a confirmed public proxy or arashi.
      In our attempts to keep World2ch an enjoyable experience, we prohibit the usage of public proxy services, and ban abusive arashi, according to their IP range. These bans can take effect in select BBS boards, or all of World2ch.
  • Others
      Although you may not be at fault, there is a slight chance that your own IP range may inadvertantly fall within another banned user's IP or public proxy IP. In this case, please discuss your problems at our " request " board.
"An unjust value"

This means that a user is attempting to post a message at a non-existant BBS or thread. This is usually the result of browser information error.
Please check the URL, refresh the thread, and try posting your message again.
"A post limit"
"It becomes impossible to display that 1000 is exceeded."

This error message is shown when a user attempts to post at a thread which has already reached its post limit.
The maximum number of messages allowed in a single thread is 1000 .
If the post limit has been reached due to a message flood from an arashi, please report it at the " Delection request " board, so the administrator can delete the excessive messages.
If the thread has reached the post limit by normal means, we simply reccommend to create a new thread .

There's something unusual!? I can't find a BBS and / or thread.
A part of (or all of) a thread has disappeared.
The thread didn't bump up, even after I posted.

What and where is the Past Log Warehouse?
Why am I restricted from posting in certain boards?
I want to display my IP.

I can't find a BBS and / or thread.

First, try searching for the specific thread in the detailed thread list. Also, see if the thread hasn't already been expired or deleted from a " Delection request ".
If a thread has inadvertantly disappeared for no reason, please inform us at the " request " board.
Please don't forget to include the name of the BBS, URL, and other specific details .

There can be other reasons why a thread cannot be found.
If the thread cannot be found in both the thread preview list or detailed thread list, it may have already been archived in the "Past Log Warehouse" .

★ Advice
If a thread in a BBS is missing out of no reason at all, first ask a question within that board.
If that turns up nothing, please ask a question at the " request " board.
A part of (or all of) a thread has disappeared.
The thread didn't bump up, even after I posted.

This might be a result from a server error, where all the threads in the thread list is compiled incorrectly. (A thread list will sometimes become unstable if there is server downtime, or from incorrect server time settings)
If an old thread from a certain date is missing, it may have ended up inside the "past log warehouse".

When a thread list is compiled incorrectly , please post the problem and URL address of the BBS in the " request " board, and the administrator will try to fix it.
What and where is the Past Log Warehouse?

When the amount of threads in one BBS is already past a set limit, older inactive threads will be archived into the "Past Log Warehouse", therefore reducing the amount of threads displayed in the detailed thread list.
In 2ch terminology, this is also known as "Entering the Warehouse" .
The frequency of when the server archives older threads into the warehouse is different from each BBS board. Also, archiving will occur automatically; other than the date disctinction of an older thread, there is no warning.

The link to the "Past Log Warehouse" is located in the detailed thread list (subback.html) .
Also, changing a BBS' URL from "/index.html" into "/kako/" will quickly jump into the warehouse.

★ Advice
The data in the log warehouse cannot be read until it is HTML-ized.
Why am I restricted from posting in certain boards?

Messages such as "the host is post-protected" means that your IP range is banned for that BBS board.
Please see our banning policies for more information regarding banned IP's.
I want to display my IP.

Normally, your IP address will not be displayed when you post a message.
However, you can choose to display your IP address for everyone to see if you type "fusianasan" at the the name column . Please use proper judgement before typing this in. We cannot respond to deletion requests -- in case you decide later that you don't want to publicize your IP.

We won't be held accountable for anything that may arise from this feature.