        ( ^и^ )-○───────────────────────┐
        /    ||  Gline-san's rules                         |
        ||/glin||                                      .|
        ||    ||  ・ This page is                          .|
        し|  i ||    a place to look at the rules and shit!Z   .|
          .|  | | |  ・ The so-called "copy and paste modification" is here.  |
          | | .| し――――――――――――――――――――――――-┴,
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In mature threads, be mature, in retarded threads, be retarded!

Stay on topic in threads and use the right boards!!!

You will not violate the law (United States Law) THIS MEANS NO CP!!!

You will not spam or flood the boards. Period.

You won't hurt or try to fuck with users. (BE NICE!!)

The following content is not in line with site culture, and will be promptly deleted;
  1. Wojack & Pepe or any variation thereof
  2. *oomer memes (zoomer, boomer, coomer)
  3. Buzzwords like "seethe", "cope", "dilate", "janny", "cunny", "based/cringe", shortening words with apostrophe (e.g. 'world instead of world2ch) and the like.
  4. Posts intended to annoy or enrage other users without even having the decency to provide LOLs, including needlessly angry/argumentative posts ー most of "nu-4chan" kind of posts fall under this point.
  5. "Greentext stories" or any misuse of the quoting feature.